Terms of Business

1. About Match Me Car Finance

Our mission is to provide a quality, personable service to all of our customers, whilst offering the best financial acceptance we can obtain. We pride ourselves on treating customers fairly and ensuring a seamless customer journey throughout the process.

You can view our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions here –

2. Credit Searches

By submitting your application through the Match Me Car Finance website, you are allowing us to submit your details to a Third Party/Credit Reference Agency.

In order to assess your creditworthiness, we will send your details to our lending panel to complete a soft search. Details of our lending panel can be found here – matchmecarfinance.co.uk/privacy-policy/

The personal information we have collected from you will be shared with fraud prevention agencies who will use it to prevent fraud and money-laundering and to verify your identity. If fraud is detected, you could be refused certain services, finance or employment. Further details of how your information will be used by us and these fraud prevention agencies, and your data protection rights, can be provided by contacting us.

The Lenders who we share your application with, will carry out a soft search of your credit file using the information you have provided to us, which will not leave a footprint. If your application is approved and you proceed and complete your application for finance, a footprint will be recorded on your credit file by the lender you have chosen to complete your finance with. If you do not consent for Match Me Car Finance to submit your details to credit reference agencies, please do not submit an application.

3. Finance Options

Your details will be passed to the lenders with whom Match Me Car Finance work with. These lenders will carry out credit checks of their own and may check your details with fraud prevention agencies. This group of lenders provide us with a wide range of credit products and as a broker we will try to obtain you the best finance acceptance.

We will not give you advice or recommendations, however we will provide you will all the information for you to make an informed decision. We may receive commission from lenders for introducing your application to them. Commission payments can vary based on each individual case. Match Me Car Finance will disclose the amount of any commission we will receive and gain your explicit consent before the agreement is entered into. Our service is entirely free to our customers.

4. Regulated

Match Me Car Finance Ltd (Company No. 11224794) T/A Match Me Car Finance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority(FRN: 803714).

We act as a credit broker not a lender. We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders who may be able to offer you finance facilities for your purchase. We will only introduce you to these lenders. We may receive a commission payment from the finance provider for the introduction if you decide to enter into an agreement with them. The nature of this commission is as follows: we receive a fixed fee commission per finance agreement entered into, or we receive a commission based on a percentage of the total amount of finance taken. We will disclose the amount of any commission we will receive and gain your explicit consent before the agreement is entered into. Our service is entirely free to our customers. You may be able to obtain finance for your purchase from other lenders and you are encouraged to seek alternative quotations. If you would like to know how we handle complaints, please ask for a copy of our complaints handling process. You can also find information about referring a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) at financial-ombudsman.org.uk. Applicants must be 18 or over, terms and conditions apply, guarantees and indemnities may be required.